Smart class

Our Philosophy

Our classrooms are comprehensive solutions, designed to assist teachers in meeting with their day-to-day classroom challenges and enhancing students’ academic performance. Smart Class simplifies the problems of teaching abstract curriculum concepts that are difficult for students to visualize or relate to, through the provision of three-dimensional, interactive multi-media modules. It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class with innovative use of technology.

School Environment

We create an atmosphere that is warm, friendly and supportive to children. Our teachers are not authority-wielding figures for children but friendly mentors and guides who ensure that the classroom is an emotionally safe space where children can dig deeper and take risks with their imagination and blossom without any fear. Children get a lot of exposure to learning through projects, stories, designing, musical instruments and drama. Projects are used to help children do research and learn by asking questions.

Developing Good Habits

We introduce children to social skills like courtesies and politeness. They then move over activities like grooming, organizing, cleanliness etc. To the children, these are meaningful activities that involve caring for themselves, others and the environment and becoming more independent.

Foundations of Mathematics

Brightland aims to impart Mathematics to children by removing any fear of the subject. We do this by using mathematical tool kits and appropriate use of the Maths lab to introduce concepts and make Maths interesting and relevant to children’s lives.

Special Needs

Brightland is committed to understand, identify and provide remedies to address the needs of children who require special attention or interpersonal support. With support from our team the school will closely work with teachers and parents to identify special needs as early as possible. If required, the school may provide additional support for assessment.